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Drawing is an age-old practice I have enjoyed since childhood, like so many others.The appeal for me comes from its availability, its immediacy, directness, and impact. Hand + tool + eye/mind/heart. Drawing is capable of communicating in such completely varied and personal ways, extending over a multitude of themes and materials, primitive to sophisticated. One can create simple or elaborate marks, shapes, forms, create illusions of space. It is the basis of expression in painting and many other media. I have many notebooks full of sketches and notes that record my looking and thinking over many years. For me, the particular physical friction between hand/fingers with tools and materials are at the heart of my "seeing", whether in observational drawings, or in fictional imagery, painting, printmaking and even sculpture. More recently it is seen in use with computers and 3 D technologies, which I have toyed with, too. While a pencil is among the simplest of art tools, it produces possibilities which seem endless. Drawings are capable of expressing acuity, personality, emotion, attitude like no other activity. The selected group of drawings below are from 2000-2021. I have included a recent wooden matrix, normally used to create an edition of prints. One might think of it as a carved drawing.
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